Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Signs in the Heavens, Part 2

So, the X-flare of November 4, 2003 obviously was not a sign of the world ending in 2010, even if it was the largest flare ever recorded, saturating the instruments for eleven minutes - and after there had already been ten X-flares over the previous two weeks (making that one the eleventh) - AND it falling on the 10th of Cheshvan, the same day that God told Noah to come into the ark because the world would be destroyed in seven days.

It was obviously a sign - but what did it mean? This is speculation and NOT "God says," but I think it was pointing us to the time period that Paul Grevas showed us with this chart (the picture will get bigger if you click on it):

I already wrote a blog post on this, which you can read here: The chart you have to see . So, please go read that before reading the rest of this post. The rest of this will assume that you know the terminology, etc. from there.

If this interests you, I strongly encourage you to spend some time on Paul Grevas's website. Not only does he explain his charts, but he has a great ongoing blog where he tracks what's going on in the world.

If you look at this chart carefully, you'll see that the first full lunar eclipse (blood moon) was seven years after that solar flare.  There was another thing that pointed to this time period - also highly unusual. On August 1, 2008, July 22, 2009 and July 11 of 2010, there were total eclipses of the sun. While that's not unusual, what WAS unusual is that each of those dates was the 1st of Av on the Hebrew calendar.  There is a Rabbinic teaching that solar eclipses are a bad sign for the world. On, in the "Ask a Rabbi" section, it says this, found here:

The Talmud tells us that a solar eclipse is a bad omen for the entire world, which runs according to the solar calendar, and a lunar eclipse is considered a bad sign for the Jewish nation, who calculate the duration of months according to the cycles of the moon.1 Thus the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, points out that eclipses should be opportunities to increase in prayer and introspection—as opposed to prompting joyous blessings.2 In fact, there are those who have the custom to fast after seeing a lunar eclipse, because it is a sign that we really could and should be doing better. 

Don't misunderstand. The Talmud is not the Bible. However, it is something that many Orthodox Jews take seriously, and the "Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory" (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson), they consider "the most phenomenal Jewish personality of modern times."  (worth looking up if you've never heard of him. Some even thought he was the Messiah) The month of Av is the most solemn month of the Jewish calendar - and the 1st of Av is right in the middle of the three weeks of mourning between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av, Tishah B-Av. (If you're not familiar with the 9th of Av in Jewish history, here is just a little: What happened on the 9th of Av). Here is a tiny bit from the Hebrew 4 Christians website:
The Month of Av - חדש אב   On the Biblical calendar, the fifth month of the year (counting from Nisan) is called Av (אָב) in Jewish tradition. The month of Av is traditionally regarded as the most tragic in the Jewish calendar. On the first day of this month, Aaron (the first High Priest of Israel) died (Num. 33:38), and later both of the Holy Temples were destroyed on the ninth of Av.

The ninth of Av (i.e., Tishah B'Av) is the lowest point of a three week period of mourning that began with the fast of the 17th of Tammuz (undertaken to recall the first breach in the walls of Jerusalem by the Babylonians before the First Temple was destroyed). During this period, weddings and parties are forbidden. It is a time for solemn reflection and mourning for Israel.  The Temple itself was destroyed three weeks later, on the Ninth of Av.

So, to have three total solar eclipses fall on the 1st of Av, three years in a row, was basically shouting to the Jews, "Pay attention! Something is coming!" The last one was in the summer of 2010. The first blood moon of  Paul Grevas' chart was that December. 

I hope you read my previous blog post about that 2010 to 2019 time period, but even if you did, let me say again - to have the lunar and solar eclipses perfectly symmetrical like that - has never happened before. Please, go to and really study those charts until you understand the significance of that.

Now, to give credit where it is due, the first person who really researched the blood moon tetrads was Mark Blitz. You can find info on him and his ministry online. You'll find things praising him and you'll find things saying that he is a false prophet and worse. You'll also find plenty of stuff saying that this is all meaningless.

You have to separate the message from the messenger. I can quote God's word to you and know absolutely that I am 100% correct. However, as soon as I start adding my own interpretation, I am not. Absolutely, these are signs. How in the world could they not be? However, is our interpretation of them correct? Maybe not. 

People have trouble with signs. If they can't immediately understand what it means, they dismiss it and call it unbiblical, meaningless, whatever. I do not claim to understand it, either, but I am going on record, officially, in declaring that what Paul Grevas discovered and outlined in his charts is absolutely "signs in the sun and the moon." That solar flare of November 4, 2003 - absolutely a sign. Those three total solar eclipses on the 1st of Av? A sign. Now, do they all mean what I think they may mean? That's the question.

One more thing. A "sign" comes before the event. On the highway, the sign before your exit comes before your exit - otherwise, you won't see your exit in time.

Before I can really go into what I think this Blood Moon Tetrad (the eighth one that falls on biblical feast days - eight being the number of new beginning) is pointing to, I have to talk about another sign in the heavens. The timing of that one may influence the interpretation of this one. So, stay tuned.

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